Thursday, November 18, 2010

Silly Wabbits

You know how you had a quote wall in college? Come on, everyone had them :) Check out the pics of a small portion of the one from my last semester at college. Yup, Job's up there too. He practically lived at our apartment that semester ;) (practically, not totally....big difference. Just a clarification there....)

Well, I have wanted to do the same for Job and I so every so often I write down little things that make us crack up, but usually those little pieces of paper get lost forever. Hence the plan to immortalize them here on the blog every once-in-a-while. Some of them....O.k., most of them you had to be there. But they sure made us laugh :D

Here are a few recent ones from Job and I's personal quote wall:

Rachael to Job: Your eyebrows smell like apples

Job in the middle of church: That little boy up there reminds me of how I looked when I was 8. Except I had a mustache when I was that age.

Background--Rachael accidentally whacked Job in the gut while chilling in bed.
Job, imitating a Rachael voice: "I want your livers!"

Rachael: LiverS? hahaha you only have one liver babe.

Job, without missing a beat and in a sinister voice: How do you know....?


  1. Haha thats hilarious...I love the livers :)

  2. Ha ha! I have a friend that I call my Liverpants. Like Loverpants...but through auto text. So much more endearing :)
