Job and I had very different and both crazy schedules this summer but we were determined to spend as much time together as we could and date all the time. So here is one of our midnight dates-hot chocolate and croissants on the top of our car while star gazing and enjoying the temple view. We just talked and talked. Loved it :)
Something quintessentially summer-ish that we did was to have a picnic BBQ in the park. We went went Becca and Cody (my sis and her hubs) and it was awesome! There was a free concert in the park that we set up next to and then the boys got to the grilling.
Steak, marinated chicken, corn on the cob, and pineapple. Can't get much better than that! ;)
We are all oh-so-excited haha :)
Cheers to a great evening :)
Actually I just remembered, haha after our picnic we went to go get "free" baby cones at...arctic circle or something. Well, you have to buy something so Cody did. Then we got our minuscule cones which were good but just not quite enough... haha we ended up going to the store and buying more. We then went back to Bec's and Cody's for ice cream and games. Cody has all the guesstures pictures on his camera. I will have to get those, Job gets really into that game and we got some great shots haha :)
Remember that cool salsa garden kit that Job got me for my Birthday? :) Well we planted it, named it Job and Rachael's sexy salsa garden, and with Job's green thumb and my attempts it actually GREW! :D hurray! It is now permanently planted in my mum's garden in UT for anyone who wants proof that Rachael Salazar doesn't kill every plant she touches ;)
I just had to share our favorite summer treat: half a fresh cantaloupe filled with good quality vanilla ice cream. Heavenly!! Seriously, if you have not tried this you are missing out ;)
For the world cup final we had a little sushi partay. Great game and great sushi ;) Job is the master chef here.
Us showing off our masterpieces :) We decided to go all out so there were california rolls, tempura salmon, tempura shrimp, crab, brown rice, white rice, the whole deal ;)
Getting into the game :)
One last trip to our favorite and meaningful cupcake joint :) Ahh sweet love! ;)
This was our last trip to the BEST Mexican restaurant North of the Border. Seriously folks, Los Panchos is the best. We miss it already....
O.K. so this is BIG news for the summer. Job went camping :) I love camping and being outdoors and Job has never been so we planned a trip and it was awesome :) Job was a natural! I will try not to overload you with pictures but it really was a fun trip.
Cody's er...mesh loincloth.... ;)
As a last effort to experience our side of the world before moving we went on a trip to Yellowstone with our friend Spencer. Oh my goodness it was awesome. Neither of us had been so it was a way cool experience to do together. The pictures are still in the camera (there is no way I will be able to dig the cord out of our packed car right now ;) but I will have to make another post just for that. It was quite an adventure :) Just for a taste: think up close and personal grizzly bear. :D haha yeah, it was crazy.
So there was a taste of some of the fun things we did these past few months :)
Where are we now? We packed all of our belongings and traveled 2600 miles in our little car to the big city of Boston. But that is a story for another blog ;)
Looks like you had a fabulous summer Rachael! I'm so excited to hear about your adventures in Boston :)
ReplyDeleteaww..rach i love all the pics!! Looks like u had a great summer and i'm glad ur hubby went on his first campin trip! No one can not LOVE camping:)