Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kings Day!

Job celebrated Kings Day on January 6th growing up as part of his culture. I absolutely love it so we have continued the tradition. It celebrates the 3 Kings coming to Christ and giving him gifts. Presents are exchanged between friends and family on that day instead of Christmas. They also eat Rosca de Reyes which is a beautiful round bread that has a (or several) baby Jesus dolls inside. 

The tradition is that whoever find Jesus in their bread has to throw a party. Job found a place in Boston that made the Mexican Rosca so he bought a huge one and we split it up between friends. Instead of making them throw a party, we decided those who found the dolls would get a party from us :) So we have 3 families to host for tamales this month. 

For my Kings day gift Job surprised me with an I-Pad mini which caught me off guard. I didn't know what to do with it at first, I am way behind with technology ;) But I am absolutely loving it and use it for everything now. 

We also got a Columbian Rosca. Delicious!

My I-Sock. 
Before I got a case I told Job I didn't want to take my ipad to work for fear it would get scratched in my bag. He ran to our room, grabbed a sock, and stuffed it in. It worked! (Those with minds like mine might see something else in this picture. Keep it clean ya'll. But seriously, I am cracking up ;)

Happy Kings Day 2013!

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