Saturday, December 27, 2014

Twelve Dates of Christmas: Date 7

We fit in a "holiday blockbuster". The movie was not Christmas-y, but for some reason going to see one seemed festive. Maybe that's because we go to the movie theater so rarely. Anyways, the Hobbit happened to be playing a day earlier than official release at our local little theater, and it fell on cheap-o Tuesday night, so we went for it. Good movie, cute company, and since Job has doughnut Tuesdays with a young neighbor friend of ours each week, we had treats.

The theater was weirdly sparse. I think people don't know about this theater, or they want something fancier. Anyways, it works for us. A whole row to ourselves makes goofing off a bit easier. Though with this movie we both paid attention for the most part and enjoyed actually watching. (I often fall asleep, get distracted, or try to distract Job during movies. And Job just likes to talk during them. Sheesh, We are a pair ;)

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