We celebrated by going down to Quincy, MA to see the Adams National Park. It is the birthplaces, homes, libraries etc... of John Adams (2nd President of the U.S.) and John Quincy Adams (6th). It was really cool to be in the middle of all the history there. We both really enjoyed it and have a new urge to go see more historical sites around the Boston area.
The birthplaces
The first presidential library ever-this was probably my favorite, it was really cool!
Peacefield-all original furniture and items in this house. It was beautiful!
I thought it was so cool that a rose planted by Abigail Adams is still here!
After the tour around the buildings and gardens we drove around trying to find an outback steakhouse for dinner. No luck. We drove around forever but each address we tried there was no outback left. It is like every outback in MA went out of business! haha we were totally bummed after driving around all evening and so decided to just head home. Then we accidentally took a wrong turn (despite our GPS) and right ahead of us a Texas Roadhouse came into view. Score! :) haha. Job had his heart set on steak for his birthday dinner so we were glad we found it. And it was goooood (Job said it was even better than Outback ;). He has decided he wants to go back every year for his birthday ;)
Vegetarians, avert your eyes ;)
I forgot to take our camera in so here is a picture of our leftovers the next day haha. They don't look as good the next day but just imagine good old ribs, sirloin steak cooked to perfection, prime rib (the best!), veggies, baked potatoes, onion blossom, etc... It was a delicious meal!!
Another thing we did that night was to go buy some furniture for our apartment. We still had wedding gift cards left so we didn't actually end up spending any money. Woohoo I can deal with that ;) It feels good to have a few pieces to add to our apartment too. Nothing in the living room yet but we will work on that slowly.
So happy birthday to my honey :) I think people should have birthdays more than once a year! (The mad hatter had it right ;)
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