I actually think it is kind of fun to be on a tight budget because it fosters creativity. I can't just go into a store and buy the display room, so I am able to mix and match, make things, fix up things etc... to make our home our own :)
A few of our recent finds:
I would like to sand this baby down, get some new pulls etc... and see what I can do to it.
For now I just whipped out our little tool box and cleaning supplies and went to work ;)
Our first trip to Ikea :) We had never been and had a lot of fun looking around and getting a few much needed things. I.e. a table to eat on so we don't have to eat sitting on the side of our bed anymore ;)
Dining room, courtesy of Ikea :) We love it! I just need to add some color to the whole thing. I am thinking a low plantar of bright green grass down the middle, what do you think? :)
Home is not complete for us without delicious food :) We love food. A lot. ;) It is just a fun thing to be able to cook something together and then sit and enjoy it (at our new table no less ;)
(Yes, I do occasionally whip out the camera at dinner time and insist my husband smiles while I snap pictures. I have just got to capture life's little moments ya know? ;)
Job is really helping bring the spirit into our home with his good works. He is thriving in school and doing so well despite tons of pressure and lots of hard work. He is one of the only ones in his whole orchestra that got an A this past week for midterms (he will hate me for writing that, he is more modest than I am ;)
With all of his school responsibilities he also makes time for his callings in church (ward choir director and sacrament meeting chorister) and has been actively involved in working with the missionaries in our area. I am just so proud of him and all he does. Besitos Jobito!
Ahh home, it is definitely where our hearts are and we are happy to be here together to share it :)
First off, I didn't know you had a blog. Second off, I love the bright green grass idea! You definitely need to do that! My blog is www.silly-willeys.blogspot.com! I need to call you for our next adventure ASAP