Monday, September 16, 2013

Mexico 2013--Thoughts and Feelings

Viva Mexico! Let's just start with that, because Job and I love that country and had such an amazing trip there this summer. For obvious reasons it is important to us, but it was my first "official" trip there (crossing over the border doesn't count. Job says so ;) and I really came to appreciate the beauty and culture of it even more. I am just going to spill out some thoughts here first, and then I'll get to the pictures later.

One thing that I heard all the time and got to experience first hand was the generosity of the people. They would literally give you the shirt off their back if you wanted. They were kind to me, and kind to each other. It didn't matter if someone had a lot or a little, they would give what they could. At the risk of sounding dramatic, it was a life changing experience for me and taught me a lot of things I hope to bring into my life.

Another highlight was seeing Job in his home country. He always tells me stories about where he grew up, and different things he and his family would do. It was such a bonding experience for me to be able to see the places that he was talking about. I felt so close to Job the whole trip and came to understand him better as a person, and appreciate him even more. He really is amazing.

Speaking of Job being amazing...he translated like a beast for me. I don't speak Spanish so Job had the job of trying to keep me in the loop in a culture where everyone likes to talk fast (at least it seems like that to me ;) and excitedly. It can't have been an easy job but he did it so well. And I picked up a lot in the two weeks we were there! It got to the point where I could follow the conversation pretty well, at least to understand it. Everyone was also so kind to use the English language skills they had for me, which were much better than my Spanish skills. I've got to work on that.

Something really special was that I got to meet Job's brother and his family, which I had never met. They are so, so awesome. I feel like we became instant friends, and they are my family. We also got to spend time with one of Job's sisters and her family, and some extended family. Between Job and I we only have one living grandparent, so it was really nice for me to get to know mi abuela a little. She kept calling me a muñeca (doll) which I think was a compliment ;) I don't know, there are those bratz dolls.

Going along with family, I thoroughly enjoyed my nieces and nephews. They are so much fun. My brother-in-law's kids were so cute, they quickly became comfortable around me and then would just cuddle up, hold my hand, look up at my with big brown eyes and go off in Spanish telling me anything and everything. I got good at guessing when to smile, nod, look shocked etc. It is harder to understand kids haha. My sister-in-law's kids are learning English in school and did a great job using it with me. Oscar is very good. Job says it is because he spent that summer with us ;) That was so fun to have him here, I sometimes wish I would have been a better "host mother" but I was still figuring everything out. I appreciate him being so patient and kind with me. He just turned 12 and received the priesthood in our church, and I am so proud of him. Our little Oscarito is growing up!

Ok I am getting off topic here, but I am enjoying this stream of consciousness here as I reminisce.

Family time in Monterrey-Fantastic. Exploring the paradise that is the Mayan Riviera-Amazing. The whole trip was wonderful, and I am so happy we were able to make it happen this year.

I started planning our next trip there before we left ;)

Pictures to come!

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